Sundance – Faith In Film: Art, Money, And Message.
PARK CITY, Utah – Jan. 13, 2016 – Religion in movies–a mix of art, money and message–stirs it up for filmmakersat Sundance this year, Thursday, January 28, 4:30 p.m. at Filmmaker’s Lodge. Gray Media and Ribbow Media, inassociation with Lovell-Fairchild Communications, present the second-ever Faith in Film panel. (Last year’s panelwas standing-room only.) Reception to follow.
“Cecil B. Demille’s ‘The Ten Commandments’ and Spencer Tracy in ‘Boys Town’ belong to another time now,” TimGray, founder and president of Gray Media said. “In 2016, faith in a film is a differentiator, a flash point, and thetension turns up the conversation. We’re asking what works, what hasn’t, and why.”
Gray’s Faith in Film conversation this year unites Ash Greyson whose Ribbow Media specializes in marketing filmsdigitally, including many top faith-based hits; Daniel Lusko, director of the faith-based thriller ‘Persecuted’; and NancyLovell partner at Lovell-Fairchild, a publicity firm, 13 of whose recent faith-related movies have opened in the U.S. top10 box office. A fourth panelist is to be named.
“Ribbow recognized key new trends years ago and acted on them,” Greyson said. “We’re eager to talk about whatwe’re seeing now.” In the past 18 months, Ribbow’s work has covered 50 films, many aimed at niche markets–fromthe faith blockbuster “God’s Not Dead” ($60 million box office), to the indie “Dear White People,” ($31,000 PTA in 11theaters on opening weekend).
“The panel is one part marketing, essential to paying back investors,” Gray said. “It’s one part message, and one partfilmmaker/artist. Let the games begin.”