Set in the opulent yet perilous Persian Empire, QUEEN ESTHER is a captivating tale of beauty and bravery. Esther’s ordinary life changed forever when she was taken through the palace doors, entering a new world of royalty and risk. With a crown on her head and a secret in her heart, can she find the courage to trust in God’s plan and believe that she was made for such a time as this?
Experience one of the most riveting Bible stories of the Old Testament as it comes to life with magnificent sets, special effects and live animals in this brand-new, original stage production from Sight & Sound Theatres.
Where to Watch QUEEN ESTHER – Live!
Live Event: Friday, September 4th, 7pm ET
Live streamed encore showings:
Saturday, September 5th, 3pm ET and 8pm ET
Sunday, September 6th, 8am ET and 3pm ET